I missed the Gramasylum post last Sunday night because I had to do some investigating to get the facts right on this one! It took awhile, but here it is!
It happened right under our noses. We knew it was a special
day. Our two oldest grandchildren have birthdays just three days apart. For
their birthdays this year, Lolo, four, and Kaso, three, we gave them a trip to LegoLand. Of course a three and
four year old can’t quite comprehend a gift that they cannot open or touch
immediately. But we did our best any way. We found pictures of LegoLand and
blew them up full page size and put them in a booklet that ended by telling them
they were going to LegoLand!
“Hurray! Okay! Let’g go,” Laurel, said.
“Yah,” said Kasen! And they both headed for the door.
“Whoa! Kiddos,” I said. “We are not going today. We will
have to plan a time when the two of you can be together again and Papa and Cece
can take a day off and then we will go to LegoLand,” I explained, lamely, of
course. These cousins live three hours apart and have other smaller siblings.
This can seriously complicate such plans but we were all committed to find a
way to do it.
It took us two and a half months but we finally pulled it
off. On a Thursday afternoon in September Kasen’s mom came from Santa Clarita
with Kasen and his little sister. The next morning Papa, Cece, and Kasen drove
to San Diego to pick up Laurel. LegoLand is in Carlsbad, California, actually
half way between San Clemente and San Diego.
So it still required some logistics but we did it! On Friday, September
25, we made good on our birthday gift and arrived at LegoLand when the park
opens at 10 a.m. It was so much fun to
see and hear their excitement. They were holding hands and giggling and Laurel
was intermittently wrapping her arms around our legs and saying, “Thank you,
Cece. Thank you, Papa.” Kasen in his own expressive way just walked alongside
me and said, “I love you Cece.” That’s good for unlimited trips to LegoLand or
wherever else the boy wants to go!
Of course the genius marketing folks of these establishments
place the “gift store” right at the entrance of the park. And other purchasing
opportunities are located throughout the park often at the conclusion of an exhibit or ride
where you exit, or at least try to exit through the gift shop. Yah, right! But
the main gift shop is the first thing you see when you walk in the main
entrance. And, of course, this is the first place a child wants to go who is
old enough to know grandmas and grandpas love to buy things for their
grandchildren. I did hold my ground and said we might go through there on the
way out but that our trip to LegoLand was their gift for the day. Kasen is not
yet old enough to initiate the buying ritual. Laurel, on the other hand is
already a pro. She had informed me when we picked her up that her mom had said that the trip to
Legoland was her gift but maybe, Cece, might buy her one small thing. I think LoLo might have had this reversed in
the telling of it. This is probably what Laurel told her mom! She is one smart
little cookie. Remember, this is the little woman who at three told her Cece
about self-talk as a means of calming your fears! But on this day, she was
incredibly circumspect and self-controlled and we walked right past the gift
store and we did not hear another word from her about buying something.
We had a blast! We made Lego cars and Lego boats and raced
them. We went on rides and saw exhibits of amazing things made completely from
Legos. We cooled off in one of the water
pads in the park. We saw a stage performance of Best Friends Forever. Even in
the heat of the day and with no place to sit, Laurel was transfixed. Of course,
she knew the name of all four of the girls and every word of every song. Kasen, on the other hand, watched for about
five minutes and then decided to go sit with Papa in the shade. Go figure.
But the real show stopper of the day we found out about a
week later. Who knew a three year old could fall in love at LegoLand without
grandpa and grandma knowing anything about it? Yes, Laurel informed her mother and
father that Kasen had fallen in love at LegoLand. But wait, it gets even more
dramatic. She further informed them that Kasen was going to marry this little
girl. What?! When did that happen?
Neither Papa or I saw or heard anything. These kids were never out of our sight
or beyond hearing range. How could this happen right under our noses and us not
know anything about it?!

So just this past weekend, Laurel was coming to stay with
us. I decided I would wait for the right time and then strike up a conversation
with her about exactly what happened at LegoLand. I knew that if I was too pushy
or brought it up at the wrong time I would likely get nowhere. I had to
practice my own self-control and be circumspect. The first night she stayed
over I was laying with her in her bed reading a book, when she asked me to tell
her a story. She likes me to tell real stories about her daddy and his sisters
when they were little and the silly things they did. I might embellish them a
little, but the basic plot is legit. Anyway, this was my opportunity.
I said, “Hey, Lo, why don’t you tell me the story about
Kasen falling in love at LegoLand?”
Laurel responded, “I don’t want to. Ask Kaso to tell you.”
What? This four year old
sprite was not going to get off that easy! “Come on, Lo. I heard you told your
mommy and daddy, so you can tell Cece,” I said as connivingly as I could.
“Okay,” she said, sort of begrudgingly, “ Kasen fell in love
at Legoland.”
“Wait,” I objected, “there’s more than that. You told your
mommy he was going to marry the girl.”
“Yah,” she offered still a bit reluctant, “I asked him
if he was going to marry her, and he said, yes.”
Okay, so at least he did not initiate the proposal. Laurel
asked him. Trying not to push too hard, I inquired, “Where did this happen,
“At lunch,” she said without any hesitation, “when we were
playing in that little play house, he fell in love with the little girl that
was in there.”
Oh, my goodness! Right under our noses indeed! Sure enough.
Where we ate lunch there was a little play house about twenty feet away where
we could see them playing. But out of sight because we never saw the other
little girl that was in the little house. We saw LoLo and Kasen running in and out of the house but I do not
remember ever seeing another child! Holy cow! What kind of delinquent,
incompetent grandma am I?! Crazy enough to have my grandson fall in love and
propose right under my nose without me ever
even seeing the girl! And my four year old granddaughter saw it, heard it, and
was telling the story. The next time Kasen comes, I will cross examine him…I mean, I
will see what his explanation is. Laurel did not know her name. If Kasen knows
her name or has her cell phone number, that little girl is getting a phone call
from one very crazy grandma. A three year old falling in love and proposing right
under my nose.
And, oh, by the way, they both picked out one little thing at the gift shop on the way out of the park. Gramasylum rules!